MODIS collection 6 deep blue

World Meteorological Organization

The MODIS Deep Blue Aerosol Product monitors the ambient aerosol optical thickness over land surfaces, including bright surfaces such as deserts, by including 412 nm and 470 nm observations. Daily Level 2 data are produced at the spatial resolution of a 10×10 1-km (at nadir)-pixel array. There are two MODIS Aerosol data product file sets: MOD04_L2, containing data collected from the Terra platform; and MYD04_L2, containing data collected from the Aqua platform.

Satellite EOS Terra / EOS Aqua
Instrument(s) MODIS
Contact details Christina.Hsu[at]
Parameter(s) AOD, Angstrom exponent, Single Scattering Albedo
Aerosol algorithm MOD04_L2
Cloud screening

Spatial variance and spectral tests

Aerosol model A suite of aerosol models for dust, smoke, and continental aerosols
Retrieval assumptions Bimodal aerosol model; surface database/spectral relationship
Retrieval limitations Retrieval over land only
Spatial, temporal coverage 2000-present (Terra), 2004-present (Aqua) / NRT, global
Spatial, temporal resolution 10 km / 2330km swath / 16 days repeat cycle
Operations status operational / reprocessing
Validation status Published validation
Quality control Pixel-wise quality flag, and pre-filtered datasets available within files
last algorithm version Collection 6 (reprocessing throughout 2014)
last validation 2013-present


Algorithm description (1 and 2) Product format description
Version explanation Validation summary (1 and 2)


Product data access
Image / quicklook data access