AVHRR Global Aerosol Climatology Project

The Global Aerosol Climatology Project (GACP), established in 1998 as part of the NASA Radiation Sciences Program and the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX), provides a 26.5-year global aerosol climatology compiled from channel-1 and -2 AVHRR data and supplemented by data from other satellites, field observations, and chemical-transport modelling.

Example result / latest result (if near-real time)


Satellite: TIROS / NOAA
Instrument(s): AVHRR
Instrument/algorithm PI: Michael Mishchenko, NASA GISS
Contact details: mmishchenko[at]giss.nasa.gov
Parameter(s): AOD
Aerosol algorithm: GACP
Cloud screening: ISCCP
Aerosol model: spherical aerosols, wavelength independent index of refraction, monomodal size distribution
Retrieval assumptions: globally identical aerosol characterization
Retrieval limitations: ocean only
Spatial, temporal coverage: 1983–2009 / climatological, global oceans
Spatial, temporal resolution: 1°x1° daily
Operations status: reprocessing
Validation status: statistical comparisons with ship-borne sunphotometer data over the period 1983-2001
Quality control: ISCCP
last algorithm version: N/A
last validation: March 2007





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