
World Meteorological Organization

GlobAerosol is an ESA DUE project with the aim of a global aerosol data set from merging ATSR-2, AATSR, MERIS and SEVIRI satellite data. The products produced are aerosol optical depths at 0.55 and 0.87µm and Angström coefficient and estimated speciation. The data sets are disseminated to support the information needs of users in climate and meteorological research, trans-boundary pollution and air quality agencies.

Instrument(s) ATSR-2, AATSR, MERIS, SEVIRI
Algorithm PI Gareth Thomas (RAL)
Contact Details gareth.thomas[at]
Parameter(s) AOD at 0.55 and 0.87µm, Angstrom exponent, limited type speciation. ATSR-2 and AATSR also provide retrieved 550 nm surface reflectance
Aerosol algorithm ORAC dual-view (ATSR-2/AATSR)
ORAC single-view (SEVIRI)
ESA atmospheric correction retrieval (MERIS)
Cloud screening

ESA Cloud Flag (Ocean) / Stevens Cloud Flag (Land) / EUMETSAT CLM (SEVIRI)

Aerosol model OPAC, AERONET biomass burnin
Retrieval assumptions MODIS BRDF used as a priori land surface reflectance
Retrieval limitations MERIS retrieval fails at high AOD
No/low quality retrievals over bright surfaces
Spatial, temporal coverage 1995-2008, global
Spatial, temporal resolution 10km - 1 degree x 1 degree / daily
Operations status reprocessing
Validation status intercomparison with ground-based, airborne and other satellite data
Quality control error handling by Optimal Estimation scheme and statistical analysis for merged products
last algorithm version v3.2 (11/2009)
last validation 11/2009


Algorithm description Product format description
Version explanation Validation summary


Product data access
Image / quicklook data access