Satellite Aerosol Products
NOTES how to use the following table:
- for each product click on the entry in the first column to access the standardized product overview page with links to data access and further documentation
- to sort the table by a selected column click on the column header
[Ground-based GAW aerosol data (in-situ and remote sensing) are available at the WMO-GAW World Data Center for Aerosols (WDC-A)]
Parameter and Data Access |
Aerosol Instrument / Algorithm | Organisation | Mission / Instrument | Period | Area |
AOD, Ångström coefficient, Fine mode ratio (over ocean) |
MODIS Dark Target collection 6 | NASA | EOS Terra/MODIS, EOS Aqua/MODIS |
2002 - | global |
AOD, Ångström coefficient, SSA | MODIS Deep Blue collection 6 | NASA | EOS Terra/MODIS, EOS Aqua/MODIS |
2000 - | global |
AOD | VIIRS Aerosol | NOAA | NPP-SUOMI/VIIRS | 2013 - | global |
AOD, Ångström coefficient, SSA (land), fine mode fraction (ocean) | SEAWIFS Deep Blue version 4 | NASA | SeaWIFS | 1997 - 2010 | global |
AOD | MERIS Bremen AErosol Retrieval (BAER) | University Bremen | ENVISAT/MERIS | 2005 - 2006 | Germany, Maroco |
AOD, Ångström coefficient, aerosol mixtures | ATSR Aerosol_cci ADV | FMI | ERS-2/ATSR-2, ENVISAT/AATSR | 1995 - 2012 | global |
AOD, Ångström coefficient, effective radius and other aerosol properties | ATSR Aerosol_cci ORAC | RAL | ERS-2/ATSR-2, ENVISAT/AATSR | 1995 - 2012 | global |
AOD, Ångström coefficient, aerosol mixtures | ATSR Aerosol_cci SU | SU | ERS-2/ATSR-2, ENVISAT/AATSR | 1995 - 2012 | global |
AOD, Ångström coefficient | GlobAerosol | RAL | ERS-2/ATSR-2 ENVISAT/AATSR ENVISAT/MERIS MSG/SEVIRI |
1995 - 2008 | global |
AOD 3-to-5 size bins, fraction non-spherical, qualitative SSA |
MISR Level 2 and Level 3 Aerosol Products | NASA | EOS Terra/MISR | 2000 - | global |
Plume Top Height | MISR Plume Height Climatology Product | NASA | EOS Terra/MISR | 2000 - | global |
AOD (over ocean 2 modes and size, over land only fine mode AOD) | PARASOL Aerosol | LOA | PARASOL/POLDER | 2005 - 2013 | global |
AOD (spectral), SSA (spectral), fraction of spherical particles, aerosol fraction | PARASOL GRASP | LOA | PARASOL/POLDER | 2008 | Africa, further selected regions |
AOD | AVHRR AOD | NOAA | NOAA/AVHRR | 1988 - | global oceans |
AOD | Global Aerosol Climatology Project (GACP) | NASA_GISS | TIROS/AVHRR, NOAA/AVHRR |
1983 - 2009 | global oceans |
AOD | European AVHRR | University Bern | NOAA/AVHRR | 1989 - 2009 | Central Europe |
AOD | Alpine MSG | University Bern | MSG/SEVIRI | NRT | Alpine Europe |
NRT | US domain |
AOD Type PM |
2003 - 2012 | Europe, Africa, Atlantic |
2014 - | global oceans |
OMAERUV | NASA | EOS Aura/OMI | 2004 - | global | |
AOD AAI Type |
OMAERO | KNMI | EOS Aura/OMI | 2004 - | global |
1995 - | global |
AAI | Absorbing Aerosol Index | NASA | Nimbus-7/TOMS Earth Probe/TOMS Aura/OMI |
1978 - | global |
AOD Dust Height |
AIRS Aerosol Climatology | LMD | AIRS | 2003 - 2011 | global |
AOD Extinction Profile, aerosol type |
CALIPSO Level 2 Aerosol | NASA | CALIPSO/CALIOP | 2006 - | global |
Dust AOD | IASI / DLR Dust Retrieval | DLR | Metop/IASI | 2009 | global dust belt |
Extinction profile, AOD (stratosphere) | GOMOS stratosphere | BIRA | ENVISAT/GOMOS | 2008 | global |
Extinction profile (stratosphere) | OSIRIS stratosphere | Univ. Saskatchewan | OSIRIS | 2002 - 2014 | global |