AIRS Aerosol Climatology

AIRS 10µm optical depth and altitude of dust aerosols are retrieved simultaneously using a Look-Up-Table (LUT) approach. Altitude is an essential variable for the validation of dust transport models and these retrievals can bring a valuable constrain for assimilation of aerosols with 4D-Var methods. The main advantage of using infrared radiances is the fact that infrared radiation is only sensitive to coarse mode particles, the effect of the accumulation mode and of the width of the distribution being negligible. The effective radius of the dust coarse mode is of particular interest for evaluating the dust radiative forcing.

Example result / latest result (if near-real time)


Satellite: Aqua (NASA) and MetOp (CNES-Eumetsat)
Instrument(s): AIRS and IASI
Instrument/algorithm PI: Sophie Peyridieu, LMD
Contact details:
Parameter(s): AOD (Infrared, 10 μm) , altitude
Aerosol algorithm: AIRS/IASI Dust
Cloud screening: AIRS/IASI-AMSU BT algorithm
Aerosol model: OPAC MITR
Retrieval assumptions: single dust mode, negligible contribution of other aerosol types, TIGR atmospheres LUT
Retrieval limitations: single dust model
Spatial, temporal coverage: monthly (AIRS: 2003-5-2011, IASI 7/2007-5/2011) and climatology, global
Spatial, temporal resolution: 1° grid, monthly
Operations status: experimental
Validation status: intercomparison with ground-based and other satellite observations (MODIS, CALIOP, PARASOL)
Quality control: simulations use the high spectral resolution fast radiative transfer model 4A/OP – DISORT
last algorithm version: ACP 2010 (19/02/2010)
last validation: 02/2010