AEROSAT International Satellite Aerosol Science Network

Information on the occurrence and properties of atmospheric aerosol is of crucial importance for climate and atmospheric research, numerical weather prediction, air quality monitoring and natural hazards.  Satellite retrieval of aerosol properties, together with ground-based in-situ and remote sensing, and atmospheric models, are the essential tools used to provide aerosol information.

The International Satellite Aerosol Science Network (a.k.a. AEROSAT) is an initiative to help strengthen collaboration between different research groups around the world working on satellite aerosol retrieval.  The AEROSAT constituting meeting took place in Hamburg (Germany), on 27 September 2013, in association with the 12th annual AeroCom meeting.  The terms of reference, contact points and network participants are provided in the pages below.

AEROSAT is an unfunded activity intended to be of mutual benefit to the scientific work of the network participants.



  • ​Advance satellite aerosol retrieval research and product development by providing a mechanism to promote and facilitate international scientific collaboration.

  • Federate the satellite aerosol community to provide a more powerful collective voice towards the ecosystem of international projects, funding agencies and space agencies

  • Coordinate scientific activities of mutual benefit (e.g. intercomparisons, common definitions, common tools, common formats, etc.)

  • Stimulate communication and coordination between producers of satellite information on aerosol properties and the global user community. 

  • Identify best practice in retrieval development

  • Promote the long term continuity of satellite aerosol data set production 

  • Encourage the open exchange of satellite, model and in-situ aerosol data streams, and harmonized access for users

  • Help users to understand the strengths and weaknesses of different satellite aerosol products by promoting activities to intercompare data sets


Next Meeting
AEROSAT 6: To be held jointly with AeroCom-17
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 
College Park, Maryland  
15-19 October 2018
Preliminary ​Announcement​

Register here

Further Information

Terms of Reference

Chairs and Steering Team


Working Groups

Publications Related to AEROSAT Activities

Satellite Aerosol Web Links
