McClear time series

McClear time series service for irradiation under clear skies

The Copernicus preparatory service McClear is a Clear-Sky Irradiation service, available worldwide. It delivers time series of irradiation that would be observed in a specific site under clear sky conditions, with a time step ranging from 1 min to 1 month. The Global, Direct and Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation, as well as the Beam Normal Irradiation are provided. The time coverage of the data is from 2004-01-01 up to current day-2. It makes use of ECMWF’s water vapor and aerosol forecasting capabilities as provided in the MACC-II/-III project (EC FP7 and H2020 grant agreement No. 218793 and 283576) and of DLR’s Meteosat Second Generation satellite’s information on snow cover.