Conference Papers/ Publications


  • Iorfida, E.; Küchelbacher, L.; Wüst, S.; Miloch, W. J.; Vanhamäki, H.; Dimmock, A. P.; Finlay, C.; Daras, I.; Sabia, R.; Strømme, A.; Trenchi, L.; Taylor, M. G. G. T.; Fernandez Prieto, D. (April 2024): ESA Swarm 4D Ionosphere. Outline of the five contributing studies. Swarm 10 Year Anniversary & Science Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. 
  • Urbář, J.; Küchelbacher, L.; Mackovjak, Š.; Chum, J.; Koucká Knížová, P.; Truhlík, V.; Hannawald, P.; Schmidt, C.; Wüst, S. (April 2024): QUID-REGIS: QUiet Ionospheric Disturbances - REsearch based on Ground-based mesospheric and Ionospheric & Swarm data, project started in 2024. Swarm 10 Year Anniversary & Science Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. 
  • Koucká Knížová, P.; Chum, J.; Urbář, J.; Truhlík, V.; Kuechelbacher, L.; Hannawald, P.; Schmidt, C.; Wüst, S.; Mackovjak, Š. (June 2024): Workshop on solar influence on magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere. Primorsko, Bulgaria. 
  • Schmidt, C.; Bittner, M.; Chum, J.; Hannawald, P.; Koucká Knížová, P.; Kubancak, J.; Küchelbacher, L.; Mackovjak, Š.; Urbář, J.; Wüst, S. (September 2024): Solar and dynamical atmospheric drivers of MLT temperatures on different time scales and their regional variability. 6th national space workshop. Neustrelitz, Germany.  
  • Urbář, J.; Šimon Mackovjak, Patrick Hannawald, Carsten Schmidt, Lisa Küchelbacher, Jaroslav Chum, Vladimír Truhlík, Petra Koucká Knížová, Ján Kubančák, Sabine Wüst, Michael Bittner (November 2024): Swarm QUID-REGIS: Quiet Ionospheric Disturbances - REsearch based on Ground-based mesospheric and Ionospheric data with Swarm data. European Space Weather Week 2024. Coimbra, Portugal. 


Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Mackovjak, Š et al (2024): in progress